Chinmaya Mission Curchorem

Chinmaya Mission Curchorem was established in the year 1989, blessed by the Bhramachari Pujya Manan Chaitanya, to-days Sw.Nikhilananda Saraswati. Since than,our center has blossomed into an exemplary spiritual center catering to all age groups in and around Curchorem and surrounding villages , which has helped to change their lives to lead a happy life.
The Successstory of our center speaks by itself,The activities of the Ashram have increased to such an extent that the devotees are of the opinion that we should move to a bigger space.
By the grace of Pujya Gurudev and Blessing Guruji we have identified a beautiful place , having an area of around 500 sq.mtrs. Which is about 3Km from Curchorem Town at Cacora towards Soliem Village 200 mts. From the main road.